but I never felt this way before
Every time you smile at me
my hearts skips its breathing
whenever you wink at me
I felt a dart in my heart
girl, what magic have you done to me.
You drugged me and took me to your world
please take me out of here
trying to find a way to your heart
but, 'm lost in your eyes
girl, I was not like this before
I don't have the strength to live far from you. . .
I trembled every time when i heard your name
I fell flat on the ground when you pout at me
need your hand to stand in front of the world
girl, can you be next to me for life
'M lost in the thought girl, tell me
When did I fell in love with you.???
- Vinay Vasudeva.
Wondering why am I writing poem like this, it embarrass me when i say i wrote one poem r few words put together in four lines. Think, i need to stop this., be serious.